Q1. What is BRB?

It is a youth development and empowerment organization. We are Youth Rights Defend organization.

Q2. Where are you based?

We currently operate and have footprints in six districts of Lesotho, which are Leribe, Botha-Bothe, Thaba-Tseka, Mokhotlong, Quthing and Qacha. We have intentions to cover all 10 districts of Lesotho,

Q3. Whose idea is it or is it local?

Local idea which has Local foreign aid support.

Q4. Who funds your operations?

Donors (willing) and philanthropist who identify with our project or program design.

Q5. Why are you not working in certain places and only in certain places?

Limitations due to funding.

Q6. What is your work scope?

Rights based approaches to:
I. Access to quality of Health Care
II. Access to Rights and Government.
III. Sustainable livelihoods.

Q7. How does one become a member?

I. Be a youth less than 35 years.
II. Fill in the membership form and fee M20.00

Q8. What are the benefits of membership?

I. Take part in national youth advocacy
II. Get regular updates on opportunity
III. Get exposed to regular trainings

Q9. What are the vision and the mission of the organization?

Vision: A society for all where principles of social justice prevail.
Mission: We exist to transform our communities through youth capacity building and empowerment.

Q10. How often can young people generate population contribute to your company?

I. Give regular feedbacks (audit) on work we do.
II. Taking part in activities and setting youth priorities.